The People Of: Tech

Our Role in Tech Recruitment

Since our inception, we have helped countless candidates land their dream role in tech. Whether it’s a Product Manager who is ready to take the next step in their career or a highly skilled UX Designer seeking in a new challenge, The People Of has a wide range of clients who are interested in finding the best possible candidates for their current vacancies.

Honesty and transparency are at the forefront of what we do as a brand, and we always ensure we are providing candidates with the best opportunities for their careers. Equally, we only show companies candidates that we truly believe will help progress their business.

The term “Tech” can mean very many different things. The world of technology is rapidly expanding and changing on a yearly, monthly, and weekly basis.

Businesses that have highly skilled, flexible employees in influential positions will have the ability to adapt and benefit from significant changes, whereas others will struggle to keep up.

At The People Of, we match our clients with candidates who fully embody these credentials, along with many other skills in their arsenal, to ensure they are perfectly equipped to tackle any tech-related challenges and take advantage of opportunities that arise.

As for our clients, we put them in contact with businesses that are at the forefront of technological change and are searching for candidates who are ready to get stuck in and shape their brand.


Our latest Tech roles

Roles we commonly help recruit for:

  • CTO
  • Digital Transformation Director
  • UX Designers: Director down to Executive   
  • UX Research
  • Product: Director down to Executive
  • Web Developers
  • Sales and Delivery experts within tech consultancy


Want to Know More? Get in Touch With Us

Looking for a Tech expert to add to your team and take your company to the next level? 

Whether you are replacing a current role or expanding your Tech team, get in touch with us today, and we’d be happy to help you establish the type of candidate you are looking for.


Contact us

Why Choose The People Of?

As we’ve already touched on, honesty and transparency are both values that we hold in high esteem at The People Of. We believe that as a smaller, bespoke recruitment agency, we have an opportunity to do things for the good of our clients, not for the good of our company’s quarterly numbers.

When working with some recruiters, it can sometimes feel like you are a number on a page, getting pushed to take roles that don’t quite suit you or getting shown candidates that don’t measure up to your expectations.

At The People Of, we pride ourselves on providing more. We truly care about each and every client and company we work with, and we want them to succeed. 

There’s a reason so many of our candidates come back as clients as they progress through their careers!

We’ve helped several senior leadership candidates take the next step in their digital careers, at some of the most prestigious companies based in the north


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